Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dungeon Finder or Ingrate Finder?

Just ordered both covers of the first issue of The Guild. Hopefully I can one day get em signed by Felicia Day. California is looking better everyday, especially with this cold, gloomy rainy weather. Perhaps I can make San Diego 2011 Comic-con!!!

On other thoughts... Dungeon Finder on World of Warcraft. I can't decide if I like it or not. Either I grey out dungeon and 2-man and split loot 50/50, or I get grouped with a decent group but there is always one ass of anarchy who rushes in and pulls everything in sight while DPS'ing. Then, like in my Sunday Night Dungeon, the guy has the nerve to leave because he doesn't wait to pay for the repair costs on his gear after a full run. Funny thing is we did much better, and had alot less aggro once he was gone. ibutcheryou of Alleria, Youve Been Pwned.

ps most the people I do run into in game are awesomesauce!!! Oh and here is me in all my glory. I want that mask!!!


  1. Ibutcheryou is what I like to call a "dungeon flat-leaver"

  2. A total flat leaver! Or a PILTKTOO (Person I'd Like to kick teeth out off) But only in game of course!
